B’Shney Qolot

To all society members,

We are pleased to announce the launch of a new podcast by the Israeli Musicology Society – B’Shney Qolot (“In Two Voices”). The podcast is aimed at Hebrew-speaking music enthusiasts, with the main goal of showcasing the many diverse aspects of Israeli musicological research by focusing on a different research area in each episode. Each episode will last approximately 45 minutes and will be conducted as a conversation between a senior researcher and a young researcher, or in an interview format. The society will pair the researchers and provide, in collaboration with music departments, the necessary technical equipment for recording and editing.

Each episode will feature a senior researcher (a society member ) who will offer a glimpse into their research. The topic will be presented in a way that does not require prior knowledge of the research area, avoiding excessive use of professional jargon or obscure references to concepts unfamiliar to the general audience.

For example, the topic could be framed as:

  • An introduction to a subfield
  • Presentation of a personal research project
  • Discussion of a specific issue related to the field
  • A connection between the research topic and a broader contemporary or philosophical issue

The interview will be conducted by a young researcher (a society member). In preparation for the interview, and under the guidance of the senior researcher, the young researcher will gain a basic familiarity with the topic. They would plan the flow of the conversation, prepare a list of questions, and ultimately present and host the episode.


Senior researchers are asked to submit:

  1. A summary (up to 300 words) of the topic they wish to present or the issue they want to discuss. We encourage proposals on any topic related to musicology, in the broadest sense of the word. Please explain the “accessibility strategy” of the proposed topic: how will the topic will presented so that listeners unfamiliar with it can understand, become interested in the subject, and find insights relevant to their musical practice; even pursuing further research independently if they wish.
  2. A list of materials that young researchers will need to review in preparation for the interview: articles, book chapters, audio clips, or videos. (If it’s a reading list, please limit it to two items only. You can expand the list with optional items.)
  3. Five keywords.

Submissions will be evaluated based on three main criteria:

  1. Quality of the proposal – clarity of writing and strength of the research approach.
  2. Accessibility strategy – accessibility, relevance, and attractiveness of the way the topic will be presented to the broader music community.
  3. Scope – appropriateness of the proposed content’s scope relative to 45 minutes.

Young researchers are asked to submit:

  1. Main (and secondary, if applicable) area of interest.
  2. CV (up to 500 words).

From all the submissions received, we will match a senior researcher with a young researcher, and coordinate schedules with them directly.

To apply, or for questions, please contact imsconfe@gmail.com.

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